Phone: 347.559.4YGB (4942)




The Young, Gifted & Black Entrepreneurial Awards program places an emphasis on individuals that continued to reach levels of success through hard work and determination.

There isn’t a formal selection criterion to receive this award, rather than a peer-to-peer acknowledgment & appreciation of these individuals drive for success outlined by their past…present…and future endeavors allowing them to become ambassadors of the entrepreneurial spirit.

How Are The Award Recipients Chosen?

The former year honoree(s) are first to recommend a new recipient for the following year’s award; should there be no acceptance or no recommendation for the award by the most recent honoree, the default selection is done by the founder and committee in addition to public nominations which are also taken into consideration.

The individual(s) making the nomination must have some type of personal connection with the nominee whether as a friend, business acquaintance or associate. A minimum of 10 to 20 nominees at most are chosen but there are exceptions made to reduce or increase the list based on the committee vote.

Any nomination not chosen is always held over for review and consideration for the following sebsequent year(s).